Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Junior Great Book Volunteers Needed!

Second grade is looking for 4 parent volunteers who would be willing to come in and run Junior Great Books 2 days a week (every other week) from 9:30-10:30 starting in February and ending in early May. Junior Great Books (JGB) are like books clubs. A small group of kids 6-10 typically all read the same book over the course of 2 days. The parent volunteers guides the lesson and helps students with various activities that are connected with the story. 

Time commitment: 
We need a minimum of 4 parent volunteers to make this work. We would like to do 2 days per week (every other week). Time commitment would be from 9:30-10:30. Days of the week will depend on the 4 parent volunteers availability. Last year, I believe we ran groups from February-May. Therefore, we would need you twice a week every other week. 

Monthly Example: 
Week 1 Monday and Wednesday (Parent A and B)
Week 2 Monday and Wednesday (Parent C and D)
Week 3 Monday and Wednesday (Parent A and B)
Week 4 Monday and Wednesday (Parent C and D) 

If you are interested in helping out with JBG please email your classroom teacher ASAP. Parents will then be invited to participate in the training in early January. Parents who have done this before enjoy working with the kids and enjoy the great conversations that can come out of the book clubs. Kids love having time to read and discuss the stories.

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