Wednesday, December 19, 2012

CogAT Testing January 7-9th

Your second grader will take a test called the Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7 (CogAT) during the week of January 7-11, 2013. The Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7 (CogAT) replaced the Otis Lennon School Ability Test Version 8 (OLSAT 8) which was previously given to second grade students. 

The CogAT appraises the cognitive development of students and requires students to demonstrate their reasoning abilities in verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and nonverbal reasoning. The verbal battery assesses students’ abilities to use search, retrieval and comparison processes that are essential for verbal reasoning. The quantitative battery assesses students’ abilities to reason about patterns and relations using concepts that are essential in quantitative thinking. The nonverbal battery assesses students’ abilities to reason with somewhat more novel questions that use spatial and figural content. 

This is the second year we have given the CogAT to second grade students. The scores are used to further assist staff in more closely meeting the needs of your child. The CogAT is also one of the criteria used to determine admission into Gifted and Talented programming, including placement into the Elementary Synergy program in Prior Lake-Savage Area Schools and into SAGE Academy, a school within a school, providing fulltime gifted programming to students in grades 3, 4, and 5. SAGE Academy is currently housed at WestWood Elementary. 

All Prior Lake-Savage second grade students will be screened to determine eligibility for SAGE Academy during February/March using the CogAT, MAP Test scores and Student Assessment Checklists. Parents of second grade students who qualify for SAGE Academy will be notified prior to Parent/Teacher Conferences in late February/ early March. Students qualifying for placement into the Synergy Program, the Gifted and Talented program in the elementary schools, will be notified in May. 

SAGE Academy Parent Information Night will be held on Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the WestWood Gym. Interested parents are invited to attend. This meeting is designed for parents of current second through fourth grade students who are interested in learning more about SAGE Academy. 

SAGE Academy Grade 2 Parent Information Night will be held on Thursday, March 5, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the WestWood Gym. The focus of this meeting will be on parent information for those second grade students who qualify for placement into the SAGE Academy third grade class for 2012-13 school year. You are welcome to attend one or both of the meetings. 

If you have questions regarding CogAT testing please contact your building principal or the Synergy Specialist in your elementary school. Jane Balow is the Synergy Specialist at Jeffers Pond, Five Hawks, and Redtail Ridge. Greta Soleim is the Synergy Specialist at WestWood, Grainwood, and Glendale. If you have questions regarding SAGE Academy, please view the information on the district website: Choose SAGE Academy from the school pull down menu on the district website or contact Pam Winfield, WestWood Principal and SAGE Academy Coordinator at (952) 226-0400. Information presented at Parent Information Nights will be posted to the website after the meeting under “2013 Parent Information Night”. 

Glendale CogAT Practice Tests (whole group) January 2-4 
Glendale CogAT Paper Tests (individual) January 7-9 (around 1 hour each day)

Students are welcome to practice online brain teasers at home prior to testing!

If that doesn’t work go to
and scroll down to Brain Teasers on the left side.