Tuesday, February 19, 2013

News From PTC

Reading Night is this Thursday, February 21st from 6:15-8:00 pm
The evening will be packed with fun events including a visit by children’s book author, Mary Bleckwehl (6:30 and 7:30), an appearance by Minnesota Twins mascot, TC (don’t forget your cameras!), a Book Exchange, Book Cover Bingo, Bookmark Crafts, Storytelling with spectacular storyteller, Mr. Bob Gasch (7:15-7:45), iPad Stations, Bedtime stories with Mr. Richardson in his pajamas (7:45-8:00 pm), and hotdogs and snacks will be available for purchase. PTC is still in need of parent volunteer support to make this night a success. If you are able to help out - please complete the following sign-up genius link: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/10C084AAAAF28AA8-glendale3

Teacher Conference Dinner will be Thursday, February 28th
This year's theme will be: Mexican in Minnesota. There are still a couple openings available, please take a look at the Sign Up Genius Link to sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084AAAAF28AA8-teacher

Save the Date -- PTC Carnival is returning this spring on Saturday, April 20, 2013
Please mark your calendars to attend the carnival on April 20th from 11am to 4:30pm at Prior Lake High School. Additional information will be coming in the weeks ahead.

Volunteer Opportunities:
 *Board Members for the 2013-14 School Year: Various positions will be available and the majority of this commitment is attending PTC meetings once/month. This is a great way to learn more about Glendale and have an impact on your child's educational experience. No previous experience is necessary!

*Fall 2013 Primary PTC Fundraiser: Help organize and coordinate this event with last year's leaders. This will take place late September-early October 2013. Last year this was a Read-a-thon, but the the PTC is always open to new ideas and will be voting on this in March.

 * Teacher Appreciation Week will be held May 6-10, 2013. Kristi Masser & Karley Magnuson are looking for a few helpers to lend a hand in coordination and execution of this fun week celebrating our wonderful teaching staff at Glendale. If you are interested, please contact either Kristi at masserceo@mac.com or Karley at kdmagnuson@yahoo.com

* Mr. Richardson is looking for two volunteer Coordinator positions, if you are interested in either position contact Mr. Richardson via e-mail at: srichardson@priorlake-savage.k12.mn.us

*Glendale Garden Coordinator, if you are interested in helping keep our school beautiful through planting the front flower pots and coordination of the Glendale Gardens summer watering schedule, please reach out to Mr. Richardson.

*Glendale Student Council Parent Coordinator for next school year. If you are able to give an hour a month to help develop our young leaders at Glendale please share your interest with Mr. Richardson.

*Valentine's Party 2014: Organize and coordinate this school event. The template for this is easy to follow with some guidance from those who have handled it in the past.

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